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North China Electric Power University

英文姓 /Surname      
 英文名/Given Name
中文姓名/Chinese Name
 出生日期/Date of Birth
    年/Y    月/M     日/D 出生地点/Place of Birth
护照号码/Passport  No.
  婚姻状况/Marital Status
现所属学习或工作单位/Employer or School Affiliated
申请者所属国家家庭通讯地址/Students Local Home Address
  家庭电话/Home Tel:
以前受教育情况Previous Education Information
学校名称/Full Name of School/University  
1:(学校名称/Full Name of School/University) ____________________________________
从/From    年/Y   月/M   日/D  到/To.   年/Y  月/M   日/D  
 所获学位/Degree Earned__________________                                                                                          
是否学习过汉语/Have you studied Chinese □否/No 
□是/Yes 学过多久/How long have you studied Chinese?____________
汉语熟练程度(很好/好/一般/初级)/Chinese Proficiency(Excellent/Good/Fair/Beginnin)
  □ 阅读/Reading      □ 会话/Speaking        □ 书写/Writing          □ 听力/Listening
留学目的/Goal Information
攻读学位/Degree Seeking:       □学士/Bachelor     □硕士/Master     □博士/Ph.D.
不攻读学位/Non-Degree Seeking: □语言生/Language Student      □访问学者/Visiting Scholar
□普通进修生/Ordinary Training Student
□高级进修生/Advanced Training Student 
学习计划及专业/Your Plans and Discipline Major :                                                                                                                               
在我校留学期限/Intended Duration at NCEPU’BJ
  年/Y   月/M    日/D   到/To    年/Y    月/M    日/D
请注明在华北电力大学(北京)学习/研究的经费来源/Please specify the source of your financial support at NCEPU’BJ:
□公费/Scholarship     □自费/Self-Finance
工作简历/Previous Employment
年/Year                       工作单位/Employer                 职务或职称/Position or Title
申请人保证:I hereby affirm that:
All the information given in this form is true and correct; I shall abide by the laws of the Chinese Government and the regulations of NCEPU’BJ.

签名/Signature:               e-mail:            电话/Tel:                  日期/Date:

