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Guide for New Students Registration and Visa Application

Notice:In order to protect all international students from Ebola, we developed a series of prevention and control plan, and we revised our registration management.
1. 报到注册 / Registration
时    间:9月1日,14:00至16:30
Time: September 1st, 14:00—16:30
September 2nd, 8:00-11:30am, 14:00—16:30 
地    点:留学生公寓一楼大厅
Place: The lobby of International Student Dormitory
事    项:1)准备好护照、录取通知书、JW201表/JW202表
  Things to do:
1) Preparing your Passport, Letter of Admission, JW201/JW202 to be checked. If you support by yourself, please prepare 500 application fee or the receipt.
2) Waiting at the Desk No. 1 in line, and getting Transfer Form and to determine your Physical Examination time at Desk No.1, then getting the Health Examination Record.
3) Going to Desk No.2, Desk No.3, and the front desk, and getting their signature for your Transfer Form, respectively.
4) Completing Transfer Form, leaving your signature in the last column of it, and return it to Desk No.1 on the same day.

2. 语言分级测试 / Chinese Language Placement Test
时    间:9月3日上午,8:00至10:00口试,10:00至12:00笔试
Time: September 3rd, 8:00am to 10:00am (Speaking test), 10:00am to 12:00 (Writing test)
地    点:口试:教四楼C612
Place: Speaking test: No.4 Teaching building C612
     Writing test: Chinese language program students: No.4 Teaching building C606/C610
                Degree students: No.4 Teaching building C618/C620/C616

3. 换汇及办理银行卡 / Currency exchange and bankcard application
Time: September 3rd, 14:00
Meeting point: International Student Dormitory
Note: all the applicants should prepare passport and 16RMB commission fee for bankcard application and go to the Bank of China (branch in Huilongguan).
Because the daily reception number of the bank is limited, not every student can receive bankcard on the scheduled date. Therefore, students are also encouraged to apply for bankcards in off-peak hours by themselves.

4. 体检 / Physical Examination
集合时间:9月4日,上午7:40,或12:30 (由1号桌安排,分组进行)
Time: September 4th, 7:40am or 12:30am (please ask your time at Desk No.1)
Meeting point: North Gate of No.1 Teaching building
Note: No Breakfast/Meal. Please bring your passport, one two-inch photo, 400RMB, the Admission Notice, and filled Health Examination Record. Only the students who will study for one or more than one year are required to take this physical examination.
If you already had physical examination in your country, please bring all the materials related to Physical Examination Report(Script)to make an Authentication.

5. 领取教材 / Textbook
Textbooks for Chinese language program
时    间:9月5日,13:00至15:00
Time: September 5th, 13:00 to 15:00
地    点:教四楼C612
Place: No.4 Teaching building C612
Note: Please prepare 300RMB textbook fee and student ID card (or “Transfer Form”). If missed the scheduled date, you have to buy the required textbooks by yourself.
专业类教材 Textbooks for degree program
时    间:另行通知
Time: specific time will be notified separately
地    点:教二楼135
Place: No.2 Teaching building, 135

6. 北京一日游及开学典礼 / City tour and Opening Ceremony
时    间:待定 (请关注公寓通知)
Time: To Be Determined (The relevant information will be notified on the dormitory. Please pay attention.)

7. 办理居留许可/Visa( Residence Permit) Application
时    间:9月11日,8:00至11:30,13:30至16:30 (请尽量选择上午)
Time: September 11th, 8:00-11:30am, 13:30—16:30  (Morning is better to avoid the crowd)
地    点:留学生公寓一楼大厅
Place: The lobby of International Student Dormitory
Note: Please bring your passport, one two-inch photo, Registration form of temporary residence (getting from the desk of international student Dormitory, the Admission Notice, JW201 (202) Form, and 450RMB.
Moreover, if you take physical examination by yourself, you need to submit the health certificate issued by Beijing entry-exit health and quarantine department or the Beijing international travel health care center.
Additional Instruction: 400RMB is for Visa application paying to police station, and 50RMB is for Visa application service paying to Visa Application Service Company. The whole service fee is 100RMB. However, in order to protect all international students from Ebola, university pays 50RMB for you to reduce the chance of contacting with the crowd. When you extent your Visa, you can choose going to police station or paying service company 100yuan.
The valid period is one year. Please ensure your Visa valid. 40days before your Visa’s expiry date, you should go to Main Building D823 to apply for Visa/Stay Permit/Residence Permit Application Form. If your expiry date is in July to September, please go to Main Building D823 in mid-June. You can get detailed instruction from Apply for Resident Permit Extension.
